Social Media and Photographic policy
It is expected that all Avondale United members, officials, coaches, parents, players and volunteers will uphold the ethos of the club in all social media interactions and use of photographs and recorded images.
This policy is aligned per the FAI social media policy and applies to everyone associated with Avondale United.
The policy refers to all social networking sites, eg Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Instagram, Reddit, BeReal, and covers photographic images and recordings.
Personal Use of Social Media Sites
Avondale United respects everyone’s right to use social media.
1. You are responsible for your conduct when using social media
2. You should be aware that what you publish will be public
3. Be mindful of the impact your contribution might make to how people perceive Avondale United
Using Social Media
1. Do not discuss colleagues, competitors, coaches, players or referees
2. When communicating with others, keep content appropriate and polite
3. Communicate through parents and guardians
4. You should not communicate directly with any person under 18 through social media
5. Do not publish anyone else’s contact details
6. No images of personal information of under 18s should be posted without prior parental/guardian consent
7. Any inappropriate behaviour eg bullying, is strictly prohibited and should be reported to the children’s officer
8. If you are unsure about something you are about to post, do not post it
Photography and Filming
When posting photography and videos
1. Before photography or filming takes place, written consent is required from the parent/guardian
2. Any person filming or taking photographs must be garda vetted and have completed the FAI safeguarding 1 basic awareness training course
3. Photography, filming cannot take place in dressing rooms, toilets or showers
4. If you have a concern, contact the child welfare officer or another appropriate club official
Breach of Policy
A breach of the policy may, following investigation, result in formal disciplinary action from Avondale United.
Misuse of social media, in certain circumstances, constitutes a criminal offense and will be reported to the Statutory Authorities
Code of Behaviour for Coaches
The safety and welfare of children is of primary and paramount consideration.
Our coaches are put in a position of trust by parents, guardians, and players. The highest standards of behaviour are expected.
It is important for Avondale United coaches to note that by adhering to high standards of behaviour, it ensures a safe environment for children but also a safe environment for coaches and volunteers.
Coaches should take training sessions/matches with at least one other coach or volunteer.
Coaches should not:
1. Use abusive or offensive language
2. Use physical force on a young person
3. Use physical therapy eg physiotherapy
4. Transport children alone in cars
5. Take children into their homes
Coaches have a responsibility to ensure the safety of all players
1. Safety checks should be carried out in relation to premises/equipment
2. A first aid kit should be available at all training sessions and matches. Injuries should be recorded and parents/guardians should be notified of these injuries.
Never play injured players
3. Ensure that the FAI goalpost safety policy is adhered to
The Roles and Responsibilities of the Child Welfare Officer
1. Be familiar with FAI child welfare and safeguarding policy, complaints and disciplinary procedures, social media policy and any other relevant guidelines
2. Implement child centred policies and procedures within Avondale United
3. Ensure safe recruitment procedures are in place
4. Have completed the risk assessment and child safeguarding policies
5. Promote child safeguarding statement
6. Host regular information meetings and get parental involvement
7. Ensure coaches and volunteers adhere to club values
8. Ensure accurate records of coaches and garda vetting clearance
9. Monitor movement and dropout of players and volunteers
10. Handle complaints
11. Liaise with leagues
The Children’s Officer does not have the responsibility of investigating or validating child protection concerns within Avondale United and he/ she has no counselling/therapeutic role. This responsibility lies with the Gardai, Tusla or HSE.
The roles and responsibilities of the Designated Liaison Person
1. Have knowledge of the code of ethics and statutory requirements
2. Have a knowledge of categories and indications of abuse
3. Be familiar with and able to carry out reporting procedures
4. Communicate with parents and agencies
5. Assist with ongoing development and implementation of child protection needs
6. Liaise with the leagues and FAI
7. Liaise with Gardai, Tusla and HSE
8. Report poor practice
9. Advise the Child Welfare Officer